ATS Staff Academic Chair
D.Sc, P.E., D.WRE, Fellow ASCE, IWA, EWRI
Professor, Vice Dean, The Irwin & Joan Jacobs Graduate School
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
Haifa 32000, ISRAEL
Office: + 972-4-8292782
Cell: + 972-50-7726139
Open zoom room:
Skype name: ostfeld.avi
In memory of my Postdoctoral researcher Dr. Mengning Qiu who passed away on February 25, 2021, at the age of 32.
Curriculum Vitae
Ranked top 0.6% c-score at the Elsevier October 2023 data update for "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators" (see here)
Keynotes, awards, and presentations
- 2024 JWRPM Seminal Paper Award:
- 2020 ASCE Julian Hinds Keynote AWARD lecture here
- COVID-19 spreading calculator (C19-SC) (in Hebrew) מחשבון התפשטות קורונה (מחה"ק) here
- Ostfeld A. and Tyson J. M. (Eds.) (2005). "River basin restoration and management", Water and Environmental Management Series, IWA publication, 94p.
- Ostfeld A. (Ed.) (2011). "Ant Colony Optimization - Methods and Applications." IN-TECH publications, ISBN 978-953-307-157-2
- Hakim S., Clark B., and Ostfeld A. (Eds.) (2011). "Protecting Water and Wastewater Facilities." Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham, Maryland 20706, USA, ISBN 978-1-4614-0188-9
- Ostfeld A. (Ed.) (2012). "Water Supply Systems Analysis – Selected Topics" IN-TECH publications, ISBN 978-953-51-0889-4, 149p.
Referred manuscripts (password protected PDF files)
- "Conjunctive optimal operation of water and power networks." Shmaya T., Housh M., Pecci F., Baker K., Kasprzyk J., and Ostfeld A. (2024). Helyion, Heliyon, Vol. 10, Issue 20, e39136 (PDF).
- "Developing water quality formulations for a semi-distributed rainfall–runoff model." Tal-maon M. and Ostfeld A. (2024). Water, Vol. 16, No. 15, 2072. (PDF).
- "Booster disinfection scheduling under uncertainty in water distribution systems: approximate robust reformulation approach." Pankaj B. S., G Jaykrishnan, and Ostfeld A. (2024). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE. (Accepted).
- "Inclusion of water age in conjunctive optimal operation of water and power networks." Shmaya T. and Ostfeld A. (2024). AQUA - Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society. (Accepted).
- "Conjunctive optimal design of water and power networks." Shmaya T. and Ostfeld A. (2024). Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 643 (2024) 131932. (PDF).
- "Future water: a multi-university international web seminar." Pointl M., Marques J., Pick F. C., Salcedo C., Vertommen I., Zeidan M., Boxall J., Maria C. Cunha M. C., Fuchs-Hanusch D., Jung D., Ostfeld A., Saldarriaga J., Lansey K. E. (2024). Water, Vol. 16, No. 13, 1862. (PDF).
- "New advances in rainwater harvesting and treatment." Raimondi A., Quinn R., Gnecco I, and Ostfeld A. (2024). Water, Vol. 16, 1591 (Editorial) (PDF)
- "Employing tank constraints to present total cost and water age trade-offs in optimal operation of water distribution systems." Shmaya T. and Ostfeld A. (2024). Water, Vol.16, No. 12, 1637 (PDF)
- "Simultaneous minimization of water age and pressure in water distribution systems by pressure reducing valves." Korder K., Cao H., Salomons E., Ostfeld A., and Li P. (2024). Water Resources Management. (PDF).
- "Modeling prevention behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic using Bayesian belief networks and protection motivation theory." Vizanko B., Kadinski L., Cummings C., Ostfeld A., and Berglund E. (2024). Risk Analysis, 1-26. (PDF).
- "Journal of water resources planning and management’s program reproducibility review program: accomplishments, lessons, and next steps." Stagge J. H., David E Rosenberg D. E., Castronova A. M., Ostfeld A., Jones A. S. (2024). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, Vol. 150, No. 8, 01824001 (Editorial) (PDF).
- "Social distancing, water demand changes,and quality of drinking water during the COVID-19 pandemic" Vizanko B., Kadinski L., Ostfeld A., Berglund E. Z. (2024). Journal of Sustainable Cities and Society, Vol. 102, 105210 (PDF).
- "Assessing uncertainties in mechanistic modeling of quality fluctuations in drinking water distribution systems." Abhijith G. R. and Ostfeld A. (2024). Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, ASCE, Vol. 150, No, 1, 04023091-1 - 04023091-13 (Editor's monthly choice) (PDF).
- "Adjustable robust optimization for water distribution system operation under uncertainty." Perelman G. and Ostfeld A. (2023). Water Resources Research, 59, e2023WR035508 (PDF).
- "Pressure transient utilization for pipeline particle deposits laceration." Zeidan M. and Ostfeld A. (2023). Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 150, No. 2, 04023063 (PDF).
- "Analyzing the role of consumer behavior in coping with intermittent supply in water distribution systems." Abhijith G. R., Naidu M. N., Pankaj B. S., Vasan A., and Ostfeld A. (2023). Journal of Hydroinformatics, Vol 25, No 5, 1766-1787 (PDF).
- "Developing a simplified approach for analyzing the criticality of isolation valves." Abhijith G. R., Salomons E., and Ostfeld A. (2023). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 149, No. 11, 06023005 (PDF).
- "Improving multi- objective optimization methods of water distribution networks." Kidanu R. A., Cunha M., Salomons E., and Ostfeld A. (2023). Water, Vol. 15, No. 14, 2561 (PDF).
- "Robust optimal booster disinfectant injection in water systems under uncertainty." Pankaj B. S., G Jaykrishnan, and Ostfeld A. (2023). Water, Vol. 15, No. 9, 1777 (PDF).
- "Rainwater harvesting and treatment: state of the art and perspectives." Raimondi A., Quinn R., Abhijith G. R., Becciu G., and Ostfeld A. (2023). Water, Vol. 15, No. 8, 1518 (PDF).
- "Digital twin for water distribution systems management – a paradigm shift?" Ostfeld A. and Abhijith G. R. (2023). Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, ASCE, Vol. 14, No. 3, 02523001 (PDF).
- "Robust optimal operation of water distribution systems." Perelman G., Ostfeld A., and Fishbain B. (2023). Water, Vol. 15, No. 5, 963 (PDF).
- "A graph-theory based PRV placement algorithm for water age reduction in water distribution systems." Shmaya T. and Ostfeld A. (2022). Water, Vol. 14, No. 23, 3796 (PDF).
- "Reliability of a contamination detection sensors network in water distribution systems during a cyber-physical attack." Abhijith G. R., Salomons E., and Ostfeld A. (2022). Water, Vol. 14. No. 22, 3669 (PDF).
- "Pressure management in water distribution systems through PRVs optimal placement and settings." Price E., Abhijith G. R., and Ostfeld A. (2022). Water Research, 226, 119236 (PDF)
- "Network subsystems for water distribution systems optimization." Hayelom A. and Ostfeld A. (2022). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 148, No. 12, 06022003 (PDF)
- "Network subsystems for robust design optimization of water distribution systems." Hayelom A. and Ostfeld A. (2022). Water, Vol. 14, No. 15, 2443 (PDF)
- "Unsteady friction modeling technique for Lagrangian approaches in transient simulations." Zeidan M. and Ostfeld A. (2022). Water, Vol. 14, No. 15, 2437 (PDF)
- "Flexible decision-making framework for developing operation protocol for water distribution systems." Abhijith G. R. and Ostfeld A. (2022). Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 320, 115817 (PDF).
- "Robust multi-objective design optimization of water distribution system under uncertainty." Pankaj B. S. and Ostfeld A. (2022). Water, Vol. 14, No. 14, 2199 (PDF)
- "Battle of the leakage detection and isolation methods" Vrachimis S. G., Eliades D. G., Taormina R., Kapelan Z., Ostfeld A., Liu S., Kyriakou M., Pavlou P., Qiu M., and Polycarpou M. M. (2022). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 148, No. 12, 04022068 (PDF)
- "Contaminant fate and transport modeling in distribution systems: EPANET-C." Abhijith G. R. and Ostfeld A. (2022). Water, Vol. 14, No. 10, 1665 (PDF)
- "Making waves: applying systems biology principles in water distribution systems engineering." Abhijith G. R. and Ostfeld A. (2022). Water Research, Vol. 219, 118527 (PDF)
- "A hybrid data-driven-agent-based modelling framework for water distribution systems contamination response during COVID-19." Kadinski L., Salcedo C., Boccelli D., Berglund E. and Ostfeld A. (2022). Water, Vol. 14, 1088 (PDF)
- "An agent-based model for contamination response in water distribution systems during the COVID-19 pandemic." Kadinski L., Berglund E. Z., and Ostfeld A. (2022). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 148, No. 8, 04022042 (PDF).
- "Examining the longitudinal dispersion of solutes inside water distribution systems." Abhijith G. R. and Ostfeld A. (2022). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 148, No. 6, 04022022 (PDF).
- "Optimizing the control of decentralized rainwater harvesting systems for reducing urban drainage flows." Snir O., Friedler E., and Ostfeld A. (2022). Water, Vol. 14, 571 (PDF)
- "Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on water utility operations and vulnerability." Berglund E. Z., Buchberger S., Cunha M., Faust K. M., Giacomoni M., Haxton T., Goharian E., Kleiner Y., Lee J., Ostfeld A., Pasha F., Pesantez J. E., Saldarriaga J., Shafiee E., Lauryn Spearing L., van Zyl J. E., and Yang Y. C. E. (2022). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 148, No. 6, 04022027 (PDF).
- "Hydraulic model database for applied water distribution systems research." Ormsbee L., Hoagland S., Hernandez E., Hall A., and Ostfeld A. (2022). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 148, No. 8, 04022037 (PDF)
- "Optimising water quality treatment levels for water distribution systems under mixing uncertainty at junctions." Pankaj B. S., G Jaykrishnan, and Ostfeld A. (2022). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 148, No. 5, 04022013 (PDF).
- "Hydraulic ram pump integration into water distribution systems for energy recovery application." Zeidan M. and Ostfeld A. (2022). Water, Vol. 14. No. 21.
- "Using hydraulic transients for biofilm detachment in water distribution systems: approximated model." Zeidan M. and Ostfeld A. (2022). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 148, No. 4, 04022008 (PDF).
- "A graph theory-based layout algorithm for PRVs placement and setpoint determination in water distribution systems." Price E. and Ostfeld A. (2022). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 148, No. 4, 04022005 (PDF).
- "Analytical solutions to conservative and non-conservative water quality constituents in water distribution systems storage tanks." Abrha B. and Ostfeld A. (2021). Water, Vol. 13, No. 24, 3502 (PDF).
- "Convex heuristic for optimal placement and control of valves and chlorine boosters in water networks." Pecci F., Stoianov I., and Ostfeld A. (2021). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 148, No. 2, 04021098 (PDF).
- "Incorporation of COVID-19 inspired behavior into agent-based modelling for water distribution systems contamination response." Kandinski L. and Ostfeld A. (2021). Water, Vol. 13, No. 20, 2863 (PDF).
- "Model-based investigation of the formation, transmission, and health risk of perfluorooctanoic acid, a member of PFASs group, in drinking water distribution systems." Abhijith G. R. and Ostfeld A. (2021). Water Research, Vol. 204, 117626 (PDF).
- "Water quality modeling in sewer networks: review and future research directions." Jia Y., Zheng F., Maier H., Kapelan Z., Ostfeld A., Creaco E., Savic D., and Langeveld J. (2021). Water Research, Vol. 202, 117419 (PDF).
- "Modeling the response of non-chlorinated, chlorinated, and chloraminated water distribution systems toward arsenic contamination." Abhijith G. R. and Ostfeld A. (2021). Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 147, No. 10, 04021045 (PDF).
- "Multi-objective operation-leakage optimization and calibration of water distribution systems." Maskit M. and Ostfeld A. (2021). Water, Vol. 13, No. 11, 1606. (PDF).
- "A head formulation for the steady-state analysis of water distribution systems using an explicit and exact expression of the Colebrook-White equation." Qiu M. and Ostfeld A. (2021). Water, Vol. 13, No. 9, 1163. (PDF).
- "Adsorption and (induced) desorption of heavy metal cations from the corrosion scales of water distribution pipes, following a deliberate contamination event: Cd(II) as a case study." Somer S., Fridman-Bishop N., Ostfeld A., Lahav O. (2021). Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. (PDF).
- "Modeling the formation and propagation of 2, 4, 6-trichloroanisole, a dominant taste and odor compound, in water distribution systems." Abhijith G. R. and Ostfeld A. (2021). Water, Vol. 13, No. 5, 638. (PDF)
- "Resilience assessment of water quality sensor designs under cyber-physical attacks." Nikolopoulos D., Ostfeld A., Salomons E., and Makropoulos C. (2021). Water, Vol. 13, No. 5, 647. (PDF)
- "Water leak localization using high resolution pressure sensors." Levinas D., Perelman G., and Ostfeld A. (2021). Water, Vol. 13, No. 5, 59. (PDF)
- "An analytical model for the decontamination of water distribution systems using slug-feed method of disinfection." Qiu M., Salomons E., and Ostfeld A. (2021). Water Resources Research. (PDF)
- "Modeling bacterial regrowth and trihalomethanes formation in water distribution systems." Abhijith G. R., Kadinski L., and Ostfeld A. (2021). Water, Vol. 13, No. 4, 463. (PDF)
- "Cybersecurity in water Sector: stakeholders perspective." Shapira N., Ayalon O. Ostfeld A., Farber Y. and Housh M. (2021). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 147, No. 8, 05021008 (PDF)
- "Water and wastewater systems and utilities: challenges and opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic." Berglund E. Z., Thelemaque N., Spearing L., Faust K., Kaminsky J., Sela L., Goharian E., Abokifa A., Lee J., Keck J., Giacomoni M., van Zyl J. E., Harkness B., Y. C. Ethan Yang Y. C. E., Cunha M., Ostfeld A., and Kadinski L. (2021). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 147, No. 5, 02521001 (PDF)
- "Optimal wellfield operation under water quality constraints." Perelman G. and Ostfeld A. (2021). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, Vol. 147, No. 6, 04021028 (PDF)
- "Analytical optimization approach for simultaneous design and operation of water distribution systems optimization." Qiu M., Housh M., and Ostfeld A. (2021). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 147, No, 3, 06020014-1 (PDF)
- "DMA segmentation and multi-objective optimization for trading-off water age, excess pressure and pump operational cost in water distribution systems." Zeidan M., Li P., and Ostfeld A. (2021). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE (PDF)
- "Tightened polyhedral relaxations of a non-convex mixed integer program for optimal placement and control of valves and chlorine boosters in water networks." Pecci F., Stoianov I., and Ostfeld A. (2021). European Journal of Operational Research (PDF)
- "A two-stage LP-NLP methodology for the least-cost design and operation of water distribution systems." Qiu M., Housh M., and Ostfeld A. (2020). Water, Vol. 12, No. 5, 1364. (PDF)
- "A review of cybersecurity Incidents in the water sector." Hassanzadeh A., Rasekh A., Galelli S., Aghashahi M., Taormina M., Ostfeld A., and M. Banks M. K. (2020). Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 146, No. 5., 03120003-1 - 03120003-13. (PDF)
- "A framework for real-time disinfection plan assembling for a contamination event in water distribution systems." Qiu M., Salomons E., and Ostfeld A. (2020). Water Research, Vol. 174, 1 May 2020, 115625. (PDF)
- "Active contamination detection in water-distribution systems." Vrachimis S. G., Lifshitz R., Eliades D. G., Polycarpou M. M., and Ostfeld A. (2020). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 146, No. 4., 04020014-1 - 04020014-13. (PDF)
- "Simultaneous sensor placement and pressure reducing valve localization for pressure control of water distribution systems." Cao H., Hopfgarten S., Ostfeld A., Salomons E., and Li P. (2019). Water, Vol. 11, No. 7, pp. 1352-1370. (PDF)
- "Bayesian localization of water distribution system contamination intrusion events using inline mobile sensor data." Sankary N. and Ostfeld A. (2019). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 145, No. 8, 04019029-1 - 04019029-10 (featured in the Editor’s Choice section). (PDF)
- "Protecting water infrastructure from cyber and physical threats: using multimodal data fusion and adaptive deep learning to monitor critical systems." Bakalos N., Voulodimos A., Doulamis N., Doulamis A., Ostfeld A., Salomons E., Caubet J., Jimenez V., Li P., (2019). IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 36, Issue 2, pp. 36 - 48. (PDF)
- "Clustering for real time response to water distribution systems contamination event intrusions." Lifshitz R. and Ostfeld A. (2019). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 145, No. 2, 04018091-1 - 04018091-9. (PDF)
- "Analyzing multi-variate water quality signals for water quality monitoring station placement in water distribution systems." Sankary N. and Ostfeld A. (2018). Journal of Hydroinformatics, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 1323-1342. (PDF)
- "Prediction of erosional rates for cohesive sediments in annular flume experiments using artificial neural networks." Skulovich O., Ganal C., Nüßer L., Cofalla C., Schüttrumpf H., Hollert H., Seiler T.-B., and Ostfeld A. (2018). H2Open Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 99-111. (PDF)
- "A toolbox for assessing the impacts of cyber-physical attacks on water distribution systems." Taormina R., Galelli S., Tippenhauer N. O., Salomons E., and Ostfeld A. (2018). Journal of Environmental Modeling and Software, Vol. 112, February 2019, pp. 46-51. (PDF)
- "Multiobjective optimization of inline mobile and fixed wireless sensor networks under conditions of demand uncertainty." Sankary N. and Ostfeld A. (2018). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 144, No. 8, 04018043-1 - 04018043-13. (PDF)
- "Battle of the attack detection algorithms: disclosing cyber attacks on water distribution networks." Taormina R., Galelli S., Tippenhauer N. O., Salomons E., Ostfeld A., Eliades D. G., Aghashahi M., Sundararajan R., Pourahmadi M., Banks M. K., Brentan B. M., Campbell E., Lima G., Manzi D., Ayala-Cabrera D., Herrera M., Montalvo I., Izquierdo J., Luvizotto E., Chandy S. E., Rasekh A., Barker Z. A., Campbell B., Ehsan M. S., Giacomoni M., Gatsis N., Taha A., Abokifa A. A., Haddad K., Lo C. S., Biswas P., Fayzul M., Pasha K., Kc B., Somasundaram S. L., Housh M., and Ohar Z. (2018). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 144, No. 8. 04018048-1 - 04018048-11. (PDF)
- "Stochastic scenario evaluation in evolutionary algorithms used for robust scenario based optimization." Sankary N. and Ostfeld A. (2018). Water Resources Research, Vol. 54, pp. 2813– 2833. (PDF)
- "Clustering for analysis of water distribution systems." Lifshitz R. and Ostfeld A. (2018). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 144, No. 5, 04018016-1 - 04017091-6. (PDF)
- "Reducing combined sewer overflows (CSOs) through model predictive control and capital investment." Zimmer A., Schmidt A., Ostfeld A., and Minsker B. (2018). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 144, No. 2, 04017091-1 - 04017091-11. (PDF)
- "Industry effluent disposal into rivers: coupled multiobjective-analytical optimization model." Skulovich O. and Ostfeld A. (2018). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 144, No. 2, 06017008-1 - 06017008-7. (PDF)
- "Modelling of resuspension due to fish activity: mathematical modeling and annular flume experiments." Skulovich O., Cofalla C., Caroline G., Schüttrumpf H., and Ostfeld A. (2017). International Journal of Sediment Research, Volume 32, Issue 3, pp. 421-431. (PDF)
- "A versatile and low-cost open source pipetting robot for automation of toxicological and ecotoxicological bioassays." Steffens S., Nüßer L., Seiler T. B., Döring R., Cofalla C., Ostfeld A., Salomons E., Schüttrumpf H., Hollert H., Brinkmann M. (2017). PLoS One,, 20p. (PDF)
- "Battle of water networks DMAs: multistage design approach." Salomons E., Skulovich O., and Ostfeld A. (2017). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, 04017059-1 - 04017059-7. (PDF)
- "Scaled multi-objective optimization of an intensive early warning system for water distribution system security." Sankary N. and Ostfeld A. (2017). Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 04017025-1 - 04017025-16. (PDF)
- "Characterizing cyber-physical attacks on water distribution systems." Taormina R., Galelli S., Tippenhauer N. O., Salomons E., and Ostfeld A. (2017). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, 04017009-1 - 04017009-12. (PDF)
- "Inline mobile sensors for contaminant early warning enhancement in water distribution systems." Sankary N. and Ostfeld A. (2017). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, 04016073-1 - 04016073-12. (PDF)
- "A sensitive biomarker for the detection of aquatic contamination based on behavioral assays using zebrafish larvae." Nüßer L. K., Skulovich O., Hartmann S., Seiler T. B., Cofalla C., Schuettrumpf H., Hollert H., Salomons E., and Ostfeld A. (2016). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Vol. 133, pp. 271-280 (PDF)
- "Optimal pump scheduling in water distribution systems using graph theory under hydraulic and chlorine constraints." Price E. and Ostfeld A. (2016). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, 04016037-1 - 04016037-14. (PDF)
- "Limited multi-stage stochastic programming for water distribution systems optimal operation." Schwartz R., Housh M., and Ostfeld A. (2016). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, 06016003-1 - 06016003-6. (PDF)
- "Least cost robust design optimization of water distribution systems under multiple loading." Schwartz R., Housh M., and Ostfeld A. (2016). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, 04016031-1 - 04016031-11. (PDF)
- "Mobile sensor networks for optimal leak and backflow detection and localization in municipal water networks." Gong W., Suresh M. A., Smith L., Ostfeld A., Stoleru R., Rasekh A., Banks M. K. (2016). Environmental Modelling and Software, Vol. 80, pp. 306-321. (PDF)
- "Spatial event classification using simulated water quality data." Oliker N., Ohar Z., and Ostfeld A. (2016). Journal of Environmental Modelling and Software, Vol. 77, pp. 71-80 (PDF)
- "New formulation and optimization methods for water sensor placement." Zhao Y., Schwartz R., Salomons E., Ostfeld A., and Poor H. V. (2016). Journal of Environmental Modelling and Software, Vol. 76, pp. 128-136. (PDF)
- "Graph theory modelling approach for optimal operation of water distribution systems." Price E. and Ostfeld A. (2016). Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 142, No. 3, 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001099, 04015061. (PDF)
- "Optimal closure of system actuators for transient control: an analytical approach." Skulovich O., Perelman L. S., and Ostfeld A. (2016). Journal of Hydroinformatics, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 393-408, (PDF)
- "The future of water resources systems analysis: from models to the science for water resources systems." Brown C., Lund J., Cai X., Reed P., Zagona E., Ostfeld A., Hall J., Characklis G., Yu W., Brekke L. (2015). Water Resources Research, Volume 51, Issue 8, pp. 6110-6124. (PDF)
- "Successive linear programing approach applied to BBLAWN." Price E. and Ostfeld A. (2015). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 142, No. 5, C4015001-1 - C4015001-8. (PDF)
- "Evolutionary algorithm enhancement for model predictive control and real-time decision support." Zimmer A., Schmidt A., Ostfeld A., Minsker B. (2015). Journal of Environmental Modelling and Software, Vol. 69, pp. 330-341. (PDF)
- "Inclusion of mobile sensors in water distribution systems monitoring operation." Oliker N. and Ostfeld A. (2015). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 142, No. 1, 04015044-1- 04015044-9. (PDF)
- "Piece-wise mixed integer programming for optimal sizing of surge control devices in water distribution systems." Skulovich O., Bent R. Judi D., Perelman L., and Ostfeld A. (2015). Water Resources Research, Vol. 51, pp. 4391–4408. (PDF)
- "Network hydraulics inclusion in water quality event detection using multiple sensor stations data." Oliker N. and Ostfeld A. (2015). Water Research, Vol. 80, pp. 47-58. (PDF)
- "Optimal sensor placements for detecting organophosphates intrusions into water distribution systems", Ohar Z, Lahav O., and Ostfeld A. (2015). Water Research, Vol. 73, No. 15, pp. 193-203. (PDF)
- "An integrated logit model for contamination event detection in water distribution systems." Housh M. and Ostfeld A. (2015). Water Research, Vol. 75, pp. 210-223. (PDF)
- "Coupled data driven evolutionary algorithm for toxic cyanobacteria (Blue-Green algae) forecasting in Lake Kinneret." Ostfeld A., Tubaltzev A., Rom M., Kronaveter L., Zohary T. and Gal G. (2015). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. (PDF)
- "Comparison of two multivariate classification models for contamination event detection in water quality time series." Oliker N. and Ostfeld A. (2015). Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology – AQUA, Vol. 64, No. 5, pp. 558-566. (PDF)
- "Evolutionary algorithms and other metaheuristics in water resources: current status, research challenges and future directions." Maier H. R., Kapelan Z., Kasprzyk J., Kollat J., Matott L.S., Cunha M.C., Dandy G. C., Gibbs M. S., Keedwell E., Marchi A., Ostfeld A., Savic D., Solomatine D. P., Vrugt J. A., Zecchin A. C., Minsker B. S., Barbour E. J., Kuczera G., Pasha F., Castelletti A., Giuliani M., Reed P. M. (2014). Journal of Environmental Modelling and Software, Vol. 62, pp. 271-299. (PDF)
- "Integrated hydraulic and organophosphate pesticide injection simulations for enhancing event detection in water distribution systems." Schwartz R., Lahav O., and Ostfeld A. (2014). Water Research, Vol. 63, pp. 271-284. (PDF)
- "A hybrid evolutionary data driven model for river water quality early warning." Burchard-Levine A., Liu S., Vince F., Li M., and Ostfeld A. (2014). Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 143, pp. 8-16. (PDF)
- "Optimal design and operation of booster chlorination stations layout in water distribution systems." Ohar Z. and Ostfeld A. (2014). Water Research, Vol. 58, pp. 209 220. (PDF)
- "Minimum volume ellipsoid classification model for contamination event detection in water distribution systems." Oliker N. and Ostfeld A. (2014). Journal of Environmental Modelling and Software, Vol. 57, pp. 1-12. (PDF)
- "Sensing and cyberinfrastructure for smarter water management: the promise and challenge of ubiquity." Hill D. J., Kerkez B., Rasekh A., Ostfeld A., Minsker B., and Banks M. K. (2014). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 140, No. 7, 01814002-1 - 01814002-3. (PDF)
- "A coupled classification-evolutionary optimization model for contamination event detection in water distribution systems." Oliker N. and Ostfeld A. (2014). Water Research, Vol. 51, No. 15, pp. 234-245. (PDF)
- "Discrete pump scheduling and leakage control using linear programming for optimal operation of water distribution systems." Price E. and Ostfeld A. (2014). Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 140, No. 6, 04014017-1 - 04014017-16. (PDF)
- "Battle of the water networks II (BWN-II)." Marchi A., Salomons E., Ostfeld A. et al. (+ 57 co-authors) (2014). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 140, No. 7, 04014009-1 - 04014009-14. (PDF)
- "Multiobjective optimization for least cost design and resiliency of water distribution systems." Ostfeld A., Oliker N. and Salomons E. (2014). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 140, No. 12, 04014037. (PDF)
- "A deterministic approach for optimization of booster disinfection placement and operation for a water distribution system in Beijing." Meng F., Liu S., Ostfeld A., Chen C., and Burchard-Levine A. (2013). Journal of Hydroinformatics, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 1042-1058. (PDF)
- "Multi-objective evolutionary optimization for greywater reuse in municipal sewer systems." Penn R., Friedler E., and Ostfeld A. (2013). Water Research, Vol. 47, 5911-5920. (PDF)
- "Robust optimization for water distribution systems least cost design." Perelman L., Housh M., and Ostfeld A. (2013). Water Resources Research, Vol. 49, Issue 10, pp. 6795-6809. (PDF)
- "Operation of remote mobile sensors for security of drinking water distribution systems." Perelman L. and Ostfeld A. (2013). Water Research, Vol. 47, Issue 13, pp. 4217-4226. (PDF)
- "New method for the offline solution of pressurized and supercritical flows." Zimmer A., Schmidt A., Ostfeld A., and Minsker B. (2013). Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 139, No. 9, pp. 935-948. (PDF)
- "Iterative LP water system optimal operation including headloss, leakage, total head and source cost." Price E. and Ostfeld A. (2013). Journal of Hydroinformatics, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 1203-1223. (PDF)
- "Least cost design of water distribution systems under demand uncertainty: the robust counterpart approach." Perelman L., Housh M. and Ostfeld A. (2013). Journal of Hydroinformatics, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 737 – 750. (PDF)
- "A dynamic thresholds scheme for contaminant event detection in water distribution systems." Arad J., Housh M., Perelman L., and Ostfeld A. (2013). Water Research, Vol. 47, Issue 5, pp. 1899 – 1908. (PDF)
- "Multi-objective optimization of water quality, pumps operation, and storage sizing of water distribution systems." Kurek W. and Ostfeld A. (2013). Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 115, pp. 189 - 197. (PDF)
- "Limited multi-stage stochastic programming for managing water supply systems." Housh M., Ostfeld A., and Shamir U. (2013). Environmental Modeling and Software, Vol. 41, pp. 53 – 64. (PDF)
- "Implicit mean-variance approach for optimal management of a water supply system under uncertainty." Housh M., Ostfeld A., and Shamir U. (2013). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 139, No. 6, pp. 634-643. (PDF)
- "Optimal reliable design and operation of water distribution systems through decomposition." Ostfeld A. (2012). Water Resources Research, Vol. 48, W10521, 14 pp.(PDF)
- "Multiobjective water distribution systems control of pumping cost, water quality, and storage-reliability constraints." Kurek W. and Ostfeld A. (2012). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 140, No. 2, pp. 184-193
(PDF) - "Event detection in water distribution systems from multivariate water quality time series." Perelman L., Arad J., Housh M., and Ostfeld A. (2012). Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 46, No. 15, pp. 8212 – 8219, (Cover page, featured manuscript). (PDF)
- "Climate change impacts on river basin and freshwater ecosystems: some observations on challenges and emerging solutions." Ostfeld A., Barchiesi S., Bonte M., Collier C. R., Cross K., Darch G., Farrell T. A., Smith M., Vicory A., Weyand M., and Wright J. (2012). Journal of Water and Climate Change, Vol 3, No 3, pp 171 – 184. (PDF)
- "Bayesian networks for source intrusion detection." Perelman L. and Ostfeld A. (2012). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 139, No. 4, pp. 426 - 432. (PDF)
- "Iterative linearization scheme for convex non-linear equations: application to optimal operation of water distribution systems." Price E. and Ostfeld A. (2012). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 139, No. 3, pp. 299-312. (PDF)
- "Seasonal multi-year optimal management of quantities and salinities in regional water supply systems." Housh M., Ostfeld A., and Shamir U. (2012). Environmental Modeling and Software, Vol. 37, pp. 55 – 67. (PDF)
- "Box-constrained optimization methodology and its application for a water supply system model." Housh M., Ostfeld A., and Shamir U. (2012). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 138, No. 6, pp. 651 – 659. (PDF)
- "Some observations on biofouling prediction in pipelines using model trees and artificial neural networks versus logistic regression." Opher T., Rom M., Kronaveter L., Friedler E., and Ostfeld A. (2012).Urban Water, Vol. 9, Issue 1, pp. 11 – 20. (PDF)
- "Extreme impact contamination events sampling for real sized water distribution systems." Perelman L. and Ostfeld A. (2012). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 138, No. 5, pp. 581 – 585. (PDF)
- "Battle of the water calibration networks." Ostfeld A., Salomons E., Ormsbee L. et al. (+ 41 co-authors) (2012). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 138, No. 5, pp. 523 – 532. (PDF)
- "Water distribution systems simplifications through clustering." Perelman L. and Ostfeld A. (2012). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 138, No. 3, pp. 218 – 229. (PDF)
- "A coupled model tree (MT) genetic algorithm (GA) scheme for biofouling assessment in pipelines." Opher T. and Ostfeld A. (2011). Water Research, Vol. 45, No. 18, pp. 6277 – 6288. (PDF)
- "Optimal multi-year management of a water supply system under uncertainty: robust counterpart approach." Housh M., Ostfeld A., and Shamir U. (2011). Water Resources Research, Vol. 47, W105 15. (PDF)
- "Hydraulic uncertainty inclusion in water distribution systems contamination source identification." Preis A. and Ostfeld A. (2011). Urban Water, Vol. 8. Issue 5, pp. 267 – 277 (PDF)
- "Multi-objective optimization for conjunctive placement of hydraulic and water quality sensors in water distribution systems." Preis A., Whittle A., and Ostfeld A. (2011). Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 166 – 171. (PDF)
- "Chemical water stability in optimal operation of water distribution systems with blended desalinated water." Ostfeld A., Salomons E., Lahav O. (2011). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 137, No. 6, pp. 531 – 541. (PDF)
- "Topological clustering for water distribution systems analysis." Perelman L. and Ostfeld A. (2011). Environmental Modeling and Software, Vol. 26, pp. 969 –972. (PDF)
- "Optimal design of regional wastewater pipelines and treatment plants systems." Brand N. and Ostfeld A. (2011). Water Environment Research, Vol. 83, No. 1, pp. 53 – 64. (PDF)
- "Efficient hydraulic state estimation technique using reduced models of urban water networks." Preis A., Andrew J. W., Ostfeld A., and Perelman L. (2011). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 137, No. 4, pp. 343 – 351. (PDF)
- "Optimal groundwater contamination monitoring using pumping wells." Shlomi S., Ostfeld A., Rubin H., and Shoemaker C. (2010). Water Science and Technology, Vol. 62, No. 3, pp. 556 – 569. (PDF)
- "Biofouling formation and modeling in nanofiltration membranes applied to wastewater treatment." Ivnitzky H., Minz D., Kautsky L., Preis A., Ostfeld A., Semiat R., and Dosoretz C. G. (2010). Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 360, pp. 165 – 173. (PDF)
- "State of the art for genetic algorithms and beyond in water resources planning and management." Nicklow J., Reed P., Savic D., Dessalegne T., Harrell L., Chan-Hilton A., Karamouz M., Minsker B., Ostfeld A., Singh A., and Zechman E. (2010). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 136, No. 4, pp. 412 – 432. (PDF)
- "Extreme impact contamination events sampling for water distribution systems security." Perelman L. and Ostfeld A. (2010). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 136, No. 1, pp. 80 – 87. (PDF)
- "Single and multi-objective optimal design of water distribution systems: application to the case study of the Hanoi system." Perelman L., Krapivka A., and Ostfeld A. (2009). Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 395 – 404. (PDF)
- "Modeling highway runoff pollutant levels using a data driven model." Tamar O., Ostfeld A., and Friedler E. (2009). Water Science and Technology, Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 19 – 28. (PDF)
- "Coupled genetic algorithm – linear programming scheme for least cost design of water distribution systems." Krapivka A. and Ostfeld A. (2009). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 135, No. 4, pp. 298 – 302. (PDF)
- "Chemical stability of inline blends of desalinated, surface and ground waters: the need for higher alkalinity values in desalinated water." Lahav O., Salomons E., and Ostfeld A. (2009). Desalination, Vol. 239, pp. 334 – 345. (PDF)
- "The battle of the water sensor networks: a design challenge for engineers and algorithms." Ostfeld A., Uber J., Salomons E. et al. (+ 32 co-authors) (2008). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 134, No. 6, pp. 556 – 568. (PDF)
- "Multiobjective contaminant response modeling for water distribution systems security." Preis A. and Ostfeld A. (2008). Journal of Hydroinformatics, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 267 – 274.(PDF)
- "Cross Entropy multiobjective optimization for water distribution systems design." Perelman, L., Ostfeld A., and Salomons E. (2008). Water Resources Research, 44, W09413. (PDF)
- "Multiobjective contaminant sensor network design for water distribution systems." Preis A. and Ostfeld A. (2008). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 134, No. 4, pp. 366 – 377. (PDF)
- "Using aggregation/skeletonization network models for water - quality simulations in epidemiologic studies." Perelman L., Maslia M. L., Ostfeld A., and Sautner J. B. (2008). Journal of the American Water Works Association (AWWA), Vol. 100, No. 6, pp. 122 – 133.(PDF)
- "Assessment of the reliability of an on-site MBR system for greywater treatment and the associated aesthetic and health risks." Friedler E., Shwartzman Z., and Ostfeld A. (2008). Water Science and Technology, Vol. 57, No. 7, pp. 1103 –1110. (PDF)
- "Water distribution system aggregation for water quality analysis." Perelman L. and Ostfeld A. (2008). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 134, No. 3, pp. 303 – 309. (PDF)
- "Ant colony optimization for least cost design of water distribution systems." Ostfeld A. and Tubaltzev A. (2008). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 134, No. 2, pp. 107 – 118. (PDF)
- "Genetic algorithm for contaminant source characterization using imperfect sensors." Preis A. and Ostfeld A. (2008). Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 29 – 39. (PDF)
- "Data driven modeling: some past experiences and new approaches." Solomatine D. and Ostfeld A. (2008). Journal of Hydroinformatics, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 3 – 22. (PDF)
- "An adaptive heuristic Cross Entropy algorithm for optimal design of water distribution systems." Perelman L. and Ostfeld A. (2007). Engineering Optimization, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 413 – 428. (PDF)
- "A contamination source identification model for water distribution system security." Preis A. and Ostfeld A. (2007). Engineering Optimization, Vol. 39, No. 8, pp. 941 – 951.(PDF)
- "A coupled model tree - genetic algorithm scheme for flow and water quality predictions in watersheds." Preis A. and Ostfeld A. (2007). Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 349. Issues 3-4, pp. 364 – 375. (PDF)
- "Conjunctive optimal scheduling of pumping and booster chlorine injections in water distribution systems." Ostfeld A. and Salomons E. (2006). Engineering Optimization, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 337 – 352. (PDF)
- "Kinneret watershed analysis tool: a cell based decision tree model for watershed flow and pollutants predictions." Preis A., Tubaltzev A., and Ostfeld A. (2006). Water Science and Technology, Vol. 53, No.10, pp. 29 – 35. (PDF)
- "Locating monitors in water distribution systems: red team - blue team exercise." Grayman W., Ostfeld A., and Salomons E. (2006). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 132, No. 4, 300 -304. (PDF)
- "Contamination source identification in water systems: a hybrid model trees - linear programming scheme." Preis A. and Ostfeld A. (2006). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 132, No. 4, 263 – 273. (PDF)
- "Optimal early warning monitoring system layout for water networks security: inclusion of sensors sensitivities and response delays." Ostfeld A. and Salomons E. (2005). Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 151 – 169. (PDF)
- "Securing water distribution systems using online contamination monitoring." Ostfeld A. and Salomons E. (2005). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 131, No. 5, pp. 402 – 405. (PDF)
- "A hybrid genetic - instance based learning algorithm for CE-QUAL-W2 calibration." Ostfeld A. and Salomons S. (2005). Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 310, pp. 122 – 142. (PDF)
- "Optimal design and operation of multi - quality networks under unsteady conditions." Ostfeld A. (2005). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 131, No. 2, pp. 116 – 124. (PDF)
- "Water distribution systems connectivity analysis." Ostfeld A. (2005). Evolutionary Computation Special Issue of the Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 131, No. 1, pp. 58 – 66. (PDF)
- "A review of modeling water quality in distribution systems." Ostfeld A. (2005). Urban Water Journal, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 107 – 114. (PDF)
- "Reliability analysis of water distribution systems." Ostfeld A. (2004). Journal of Hydroinformatics, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 281 – 294. (PDF)
- "Optimal layout of early warning detection stations for water distribution systems security." Ostfeld A. and Salomons E. (2004). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 130, No. 5, pp. 377 – 385. (PDF)
- "A contaminant detection system for early warning in water distribution networks." Ostfeld A., Kessler A., and Goldberg I. (2004). Engineering Optimization, Vol. 36, No. 5, pp. 525 – 538. (PDF)
- "Optimal operation of multiquality water distribution systems: unsteady conditions." Ostfeld A. and Salomons E. (2004). Engineering Optimization, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 337 –359. (PDF)
- "Lake Kinneret watershed contamination transports: a GIS based hydrological model." Ostfeld A. and Preis A. (2003). Water Science and Technology, Vol. 48, No. 10, pp. 63 – 70 (PDF)
- "IPCLASS – an interactive program for calibrating activated sludge systems." Ostfeld A.. (2002). Journal of Environmental Modeling and Software, Elsevier Science, Vol. 17, No. 8, pp. 703 – 719. (PDF)
- "Reliability simulation of water distribution systems - single and multiquality." Ostfeld A., Kogan D., and Shamir U. (2002). Urban Water, Elsevier Science, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 53 – 61.(PDF)
- "HANDSS: the Hula aggregated numerical decision support system." Ostfeld A., Muzaffar E., and Lansey K. E. (2001). Journal of Geographic Information and Decision Analysis (GIDA), Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 16 – 31. (PDF)
- "Reliability analysis of regional water distribution systems." Ostfeld A. (2001). Urban Water, Elsevier Science, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 137 – 144. (PDF)
- "Analytical ground-water flow solutions for channel-aquifer interaction." Ostfeld A., Muzaffar E., and Lansey K. E. (1999). Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 125, No. 4, pp. 196 – 202. (PDF)
- "Single - sludge Nitrogen removal model: calibration and verification." Argaman Y., Papkov G., Ostfeld A., and Rubin D. (1999). Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 125, No. 7, pp. 608 – 61. (PDF)
- "Detecting accidental contaminations in municipal water networks." Ostfeld A. and Kessler A. (1999) (closure). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 125, No. 5, pp. 308 – 310. (PDF)
- "Detecting accidental contaminations in municipal water networks." Kessler A., Ostfeld A., and Sinai G. (1998). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 124, No. 4, pp. 192 – 198. (PDF)
- "Design of optimal reliable multiquality water supply systems." Ostfeld A. and Shamir U. (1996). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 122, No. 5, pp. 322 – 333. (PDF)
- "Incorporating reliability in optimal design of water distribution networks – review and new concepts." Ostfeld A. and Shamir U. (1993). Journal of Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 5 – 11. (PDF)
- "Optimal operation of multiquality networks II: unsteady conditions." Ostfeld A. and Shamir U. (1993). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 119, No. 6, pp. 663 – 684. (PDF)
- "Optimal operation of multiquality networks I: steady state conditions." Ostfeld A. and Shamir U. (1993). Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Division, ASCE, Vol. 119, No. 6, pp. 645 – 662. (PDF)